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Shreyas Devalapurkar
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Student, Bachelor of Software Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Victoria

University of Victoria: Bachelor of Software Engineering

Cumulative GPA: 8.1/9.0 (A+ Average)

  • Member of Golden Key International Honours Society
  • Schulich Leader Scholarship Nominee

  • University of Victoria Excellence Scholarship
  • University of Manitoba Queen Elizabeth Entrance Scholarship

A+ Courses
  • Mathematics 101: Calculus II - Outstanding Performance
  • Astronomy 102: Exploring the Cosmos
  • Biology 150B: Modern Biology
  • Mathematics 122: Logic and Foundations
  • Computer Science 225: Algorithms and Data Structures I
  • Electrical Engineering 260: Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
  • Statistics 260: Intro to Probability and Statistics I
  • Computer Science 230: Computer Architecture
  • Electrical Engineering 310: Digital Signal Processing I
  • Exercise Science 143: Multidisciplinary Physcial Activity
  • Economics 180: Introduction to Principles of Microeconomics and Financial Project Evaluation
  • Software Engineering 299: Software Architecture and Design
  • Software Engineering 310: Human Computer Interaction
  • Computer Science 360: Operating Systems
  • Software Engineering 360: Security Engineering

Science Fairs and Research


Manitoba Schools Science Symposium
  • Gold Medal
  • Most Outstanding Project Award
  • Delegate to Canada-Wide Science Fair (Lethbridge, AB)

Sanofi BioGENEius Challenge Manitoba
  • Fourth Place Award

Canada-Wide Science Fair
  • Silver Excellence Award
  • Entrance Scholarship - Faculty of Science - Dalhousie University
  • Entrance Scholarship - Faculty of Science - The University of British Columbia
  • Entrance Scholarship - Faculty of Science - University of Ottawa
  • Entrance Scholarship - Faculty of Science - Western University

Summer Student Position: Dr. Michael Czubryt's Lab
  • James. S. McGoey Summer Student Award - Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences - University of Manitoba
  • Abstract Publication - BCVS Circulation Research - American Heart Association


Manitoba Schools Science Symposium
  • Gold Medal
  • Most Outstanding Individual Project Award
  • Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience Award
  • Delegate to Canada-Wide Science Fair (Charlottetown, PEI)

Sanofi BioGENEius Challenge Manitoba
  • Fourth Place Award

Canada-Wide Science Fair
  • Bronze Excellence Award
  • Entrance Scholarship - Faculty of Science - Western University

High School

  • Highest Standing Award for Grade 11
  • Overall Excellence Certificate
  • Mathematics/Science Award
  • Certificate of Distinction - Gauss, Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Mathematics Contests
  • School Champion Medal - Fermat Mathematics Contest

  • Valedictorian Award
  • Victor and Marie Wyatt Student Scholarship

  • Third Place - SCAC Provincial Badminton Singles
  • Fourth Place - Manitoba Dragon Boat Festival
  • Fourth Place - Louis Riel School Division Basketball - Coach for Grade 8 Team

Cultural and Community Involvement

Hindu Society of Manitoba
  • Vidya Bhavan Best Achievement Award
  • Vidya Bhavan Student Excellence in Mathematics Award

India Canada Cultural and Heritage Association - Awards for Academic Excellence
  • Ventura Award - Grade 9
  • Dr. Kalwant Dhalla Award - Grade 10
  • Dr. Ranjit Dhalla Award - Grade 12
  • Kothari Family Foundation Student Award - First Year University


The Royal Conservatory of Music
  • Grade 4 Violin with First Class Honours
  • Grade 7 Violin with Honours (Practical)